- Defined in \monsters\BdLiteMonster.txt
//$category | Monsters |
bloodtype | "BdBleed", "BdBleed", "BdBleedSaw" |
damagefactor | "Crush" 10.0 "Blood" 0.0 "BlueBlood" 0.0 "GreenBlood" 0.0 "Avoid" 0.0 "CauseObjectsToSplash" 0.0 "Flak" 2.5 |
game | Doom |
maxdropoffheight | 32 |
maxstepheight | 24 |
painchance | "Kick", 255 |
- This class has no states.
A BdLiteMonster needs:
The normal Doom monster stuff: Spawn, See, Missile/Melee, etc.
On death, monster jumps to Death.[damage type]
Each of these should have no animation, just set the flags needed to declare the monster dead, then jump to one of a random set of appropriate Die states
The Die state should spawn any blood/gib actors, play the death animation and hold the monster in a -1 state (or remove it if the death is particularly serious).
The damage types from the player are:
* Kick (covers all close range damage)
* SuperKick (berserk damage)
* Bullet (Slow firing bullets)
* Shotgun (Scatter weapons like shotgun)
* RapidFire (Rapid fire tearing weapons)
* Explosive (Rockets, grenades)
* Plasma (Plasma and laser weapons)
* Flak (Big scatter weapons like the SSG)