If my Super Metroid playthrough were a video compression algorithm... then it would make no sense. But it would also be the best one in the world - I thought I would have to split last night's play into two episodes, but over two hours of play have boiled down to just over fifteen minutes of active content!

It's content in which I hoover up a load of items and generally make some significant progress, though - in this part, I fight the second big boss and gain a new ability, which will no doubt get me into some intriguing new areas as soon as I remember where they are.

There's an interesting point in this video where I think I did something wrongly but managed to advance anyway... I can't imagine what I did being the actual solution, but I spent a while trying every other avenue I could think of and this was the only thing I did that resulted in any success at all. Judge for yourself!

I'm actually trying to think of other places to promote playthroughs, because I think this is one that many people will be interested in just now for the same reason I started it! Any ideas?

2013-05-26 21:22:00