Top of my list of worries when beginning to edit last Saturday's videos was what to even call this chapter - once its nature was made clear to us, I chose to name the stream "Dark Day the Night Slept" in the best of Silent Hill traditions, but that was a temporary measure. With xaq's help, we do have a possible name for it, but as we're likely not supposed to know this yet, I think I'm going to continue referring to it as the Unknown Episode. Or maybe "Hellstar".

Here, then, is another fragment of it - in this part, things start to be explained, and subsequently make less sense than ever.

0:20 Straight in to Yuuya
1:30 Egress
2:00 Foppy dove man
3:05 Pure of heart
3:35 Potheads
4:30 Big mouth
5:50 Disaster
6:35 ***KING***
7:55 Queen
8:20 Moon
10:25 Exterior
11:10 Attention
12:20 We know who this is
14:05 Stop thinking
15:55 Himantophid
18:25 Bob Ross
19:20 One step closer
23:05 Longer dungeons
23:30 Not much of a lady
23:55 Narrative
24:20 A Japanese thing
25:15 Professional

2013-02-28 20:50:00