Another of the occasional Stumbing Through videos, because I am a huge sucker and took a recommendation that was made separately by ravenworks, kjorteo and someone on the GameFAQs classic games board. This time I'm stepping outside the normal subject matter of these videos and am doing a Flash game called Frog Fractions, which I thought would be a five-minute thing but - for various reasons, none of which I had expected when the video started - it turned into a three-quarters-of-an-hour epic. No real video thumbnail, because curiously, it would constitute a spoiler - but it looks like this. For a while.

Frog Fractions

I'm not sure I even know what to say about this game. Every section of it prompted an even more exasperated "WHAT?!" than the one before, and playing the video back, I actually feel rather embarrassed at having reacted so strongly to some of the earlier ones when there was so much more still to come. It's not Hatoful Boyfriend, of course, but that's because nothing is - and it served as quite a good metric to test whether my sense of lunacy was still functional.

2012-11-03 21:25:00