I think this might well be the most schizophrenic part of the game yet. As the storyline becomes deeper and darker than anyone could have ever hoped to imagine when they started up a weird game about dating pigeons, we nevertheless have some of the largest laughs on individual lines here ever. Some of them are from the game itself, some are from the rather high number of missed lines, including a truly professional one at 16 minutes through the first part where I've had to put in a standby screen by its perpetrator, ravenworks. Many other missed lines are from me, but I can blame those on the translator seeming to have succumbed to madness by this point as well.

But not all of it is even our fault - throughout both parts, the mood of the game is clinging desperately to a giant feathery pendulum swinging back and forth in the only documented case of a computer program becoming self-aware and manic-depressive at the same time. The beginning is woeful and hopeless, the turnaround is glorious, and the ensuing fight... you have to see it for yourself. And then we turn the dial back to melancholy, for a new face (and voice) to a villain that had been completely irredemable moments before.

7-3: The Most Epic Battle That Birds Ever Told

1:05 The promise
2:35 Good mediators
3:35 A better wish
4:40 Lysosomes
5:20 Ryouta succumbs
6:15 Rescue
8:25 Protein supplements
8:45 Poltroon
9:25 Are you alive?
9:55 Miserable medical man
11:40 (Destruction)
12:20 Okosan away!
13:20 Certifiably insane
13:50 Sakuya away!
14:15 Anghel is useful!
15:30 This is madness!
16:00 A line goes a bit wrong
16:35 FIGHT!!!

7-4: Shuu's Memory

1:25 Not just his fault
3:35 Lovebirds
5:10 The line of the game
7:00 Game awareness once again
7:40 Bad father
8:15 Bright and Massive
9:10 Crazy Ryuuji
11:00 Regret

You're all phenomenal. Quite apart from the acting, I'm rather impressed that we managed to finish the fight in exactly the length of the boss music.

2012-10-01 19:53:00