Progress in my further musical experiments slowed down recently as I slowly came to realize that I had no real idea what I was doing with channel output routing and signal chaining whatsoever. Having been unable to solve my multi-guitar problem in Cakewalk, I gave Reaper a try on ravenworks' recommendation and it makes about a billion times more sense.

Slowly - very slowly - I'm learning about post-Amiga sound production... I was correct in my feeling about having to somehow direct multiple inputs into one plugin, separate those into different channels and assign them to different outputs, but I was trying to go about it the wrong way. The people on the KVR forums for Shreddage were very helpful, and gave me the pointers that I needed to get the whole thing working - I can't quite say that it's simple now I know how to do it, especially if you look at my summary at the end of the thread, but it does at least make a certain amount of sense.

This is a rough render of a song that due to a period of insanity in 2010 is called Soul Eater - it was one of the first songs I wrote after seriously learning the guitar and has a much more varied rhythm section than I usually write. I'm still not very good at sound production and the guitars blend into each other (and the melody goes too high for Shreddage to cope at several points!), but I hope that will be somewhat fixed when I finally work out how to get my Pod X3 software working again with its three-licence-key exchange.

2012-08-28 23:06:00